RC Car Festival – RC DRIFT BY

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Shot&Edited by NIKSON Production – https://vk.com/NIKSONprod

Music: Rudimental — Not Giving In (ft. John Newman & Alex Clare)

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  • Categories: rc drift car


NIKSON Production says:

Thank you all for your comments and repost. Join the new video channel
https://www.youtube.com/user/DriftBelarus , which will be a lot of RC DRIFT
from Belarus.

KihniöBomberTeam says:


lfren38 says:

just bought my first drift car on ebay yesterday arriving in 3-6 days cant

bayley cooper says:

Are they electric or petrol

JustRandomGamers says:

Realy nice! but what is the song?

Vivemos No Baixo says:

ola gostaria d saber onde eu compro esses carrinhos d drift?

Smoke Blunts says:

Where do you get cars like that

JAVPC2012 says:

What is the tune called?

ramano voster says:

Hw much is an rc drift car on ebay

Hernando Cruz says:

Can somebody tell me what are the names of these cars? I want to buy one
but I don’t know where to buy them and what they are called! Somebody help
me please..

herrasmiez 54 says:


Karlis Luste says:

what music name?????

snowfreak551 says:

What scale are these and are they all Rwd?

Franklin Hemmo says:


Eduardo Eric says:

Nome da musica 



jabari jarvis says:

i want the green with white strips :)

Deandre Miller says:

what scale are these cars?

vebavid says:


ronny salom says:

rc drfiting

Prince Jamie The 7th says:

Seriously, who can’t like this? It’s amazing!

Kenshi Tights says:

I though rc car couldn’t drift

igor pavic says:

drift is ok but it coud be bether

Thor Lindström says:

He says nakkivene its mean in finish sausage boat:D

LOL! says:

That Nissan looks EPIC!!!

Kerry Doerrmann says:

is this in real time

Corazon Nisperos says:

I love the music

iHouZe LEG says:

Mom buy me this D:

Sara Moran says:

Can I have a rc
116 sequoia dr

hector roozter says:

where I can buy a car from these?

SamCZ says:


mickzie09 says:

Nice vid! 

nando Gamer says:

que vacannos

Star Game says:

bi türkiyede yok

raja riyaz says:


Jermu Lehtilä says:

Nakkivene :D

Aleem Mohamed says:

How much does one of these cars cost?

Hee Soo Lee lee says:

i could drift better

Takela Lewis says:

U have to have skill to drag race

Edwin Esparza says:

Cols sshj #$$

三輪理美 says:

leonde kyles says:

I want 1

احمد العوفي says:
Edwin Esparza says:

Chide cotode

uriel trejo says:

Where can I but these drift cars? Like what store?

ShobanKillerzzzzzzz says:


Andress Slims says:


Jeremy Navarrete De Hardong says:


nikolas rodriguez says:
Dgb.! says:

Nakkivene <3 nättei autoi kans ;)

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