RC Boat vs RC Car Tug of war 6

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Today we put a gas powered boat up against a brushless E-Revo in a Tug of War.

True to form 99% Stupid and 1% Fast = StupidFastRC

Here is the link to the boat http://www.superandcheaper.com.au/p/bat-power-petrol-power-fibreglass-2.4ghz-rc-boat-rtr-gl001ap/GL001AP

We buy our stuff here, http://www.hobbytechtoys.com.au/ #RC #RCcars #remotecontrolcars

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  • Categories: rc boat


iforce2d says:

just noticed this asshole re-uploading your videos:

YourLockerzPal says:

Can someone tell me what truck that is at 1:31 on the left side of the

James Rodgers says:

SWEET !!! WAY COOL IDEA ‘ but your putting a prop against 4 tire’s on the
ground ? 

padwtf says:

Whoever thought the boat was going to win is completely out of their mind
why don’t you just get the jet and take off and fly the Revo around the

mikekoz68 says:

Nitro vs electric is not a fair matchup to start with! Electric will win

shadab k says:

Another stupid good video Thanks guys.

OS Coutinho says:

The boat needs a wider prop with less pitch, then it will have traction for
slow speed and pull force.

Cole Bender says:

Wats music called!?

OffshoreElectrics says:

I bet I can build a boat that would give your e-revo a run for its money. A
brushless Catamaran with a large diameter prop. 

Cataman Kosmas says:

Awesome video my friends. Great Job.

Prince Jamie The 7th says:

Wheels beats Propeller

Fishing, RC Style XD

Shae Clarke says:

Does the flying fish boat flip very easy?

mauro dacol says:

Very very cool

Hincho Racing says:

U guys got some very nice video I subb liked

Fast n' Furious RC says:

You guys are great I have subscribed to you and have been watching all your
videos. P.S. it would be extremely awesome is you could subscribe to me
cause I want to get my channel more popular. I also make RC videos.

Rc Frick says:

waths the song on the begining?

Smalls legend says:

Father and son RC addicts here……having fun. about two yrs into the
hobby grade R/Cs also have videos if youd like to checkem out.. Thanks for
sharing….we liked and subed

Rc MaNiAc says:

More prop..More prop! ;)

Yiming Teng says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

Stupid Fast RC says:

The saga continues.

charles carmichael says:

I wanted the boat to win

AxleRage12 says:

I honestly thought the boat would win

MR5er1 says:

don’t put the music!!!!

김둥호 says:


Fast n' Furious RC says:

If you are refuring to the traxxas slash onboard view, that was just the
tape but thank you sooooooooooooooo much for subscribing to me!

OffshoreElectrics says:

I should have added. Cool idea and great video. 

ManCaveTV says:

Awesome video! Big thumbs up. Check out my rc boat launch vids on my
channel. And keep up the great work!

Tom Carrick says:

dude that music is awesome but what is it called?

Nitro RCNerds says:

Nice. I love the creativity here!

David b says:

This was stupid !

King Zero says:

Help me get some subscribers 

WholesaleBabyToys says:

Your channel is great! I’m very impressed by your interesting
videos.I think you
spend a lot of time on it and explores in depth.very nice video.unique and
refresh .I am the owner of the TOYSBASE shopping web
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,we want to send you some gifts and make a video
, Are you interested?Can you give me the email too choose some products?
my email adress is bryant@toysbase.com.cn Expecting your early reply an
ddiscuss more details with you. and I also often upload some videos made by
myself. Maybe we can subscribe and share ideas to each other.

Hincho Racing says:

That was a cool video man liked the boat

Nile Hargrove says:

Wow thanks for telling me to check out this channel its great

Mark van Tienen says:

I want an rc vehicle but don’t know which one; car, boat, heli or plane.
What do you recommend and which one is most of the time the cheapest but
still good?

RCnerd 2014 says:

That video blew me out of the water Lol

supa coop says:

I do enjoy you guys and I am new in rc ,but y’all gotta be having fun!

bajabilly2004 says:


TheCjcoon says:

Nice love the rc cars

FunnyHacks says:

A nice side effect of this challenge is that you can quickly retrieve the
boat when things go wrong.

Fast n' Furious RC says:


ss4402 says:


Wyatt Richardson says:

My brother has an e revo 1/16 if you add a bit of weight to the back and
maybe a speed mod it would be able to do a 8 foot jump easy. Cool vid

WasDannyHere305 says:

Lucky kid man I wish I had a dad like that 

Nick Nick says:

If you put a brick on the car it would be even easier. It would put more
traction on the wheels 

TwinEngines RC says:

This channel is AWESOME!

Evan Jones says:

What brand of boat was it exactly 

gullf1sk says:

Hehe, i like the Top Gear style leaderboard

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