Michael Bräuer Dornier DO-X 1929 Giant RC Airliner with 12x 10ccm O.S Motors

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RC Airliner by Michael Bräuer ( same Pilot of the A-380 Model)
with his Dornier DO-X giant Water Airplane with 12x 10ccm O.S Motors
Model Airplane Lufthansa, Hausen Flugtag 2014
Pilot: Bräuer Michael
das Model Holz konstruktion, hat 12x 10ccm Motoren und ist 60 Kg Leicht 🙂
Das Original:Die Do X war ein Verkehrsflugschiff, das nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg von den deutschen Dornier-Werken konstruiert und 1929 gebaut wurde.
Thanks to MG Affolter Flugtag Hausen 35 Jahre
Passagier flugzeug,RC Turbine Jet’s,RC Turbine Helicopter Special RC Airplanes and many more….

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RCHeliJet says:

Amazing R/C Airliner by Michael Bräuer
with his Dornier DO-X giant Water Airplane from 1929
with 12x 10ccm O.S Motors
Model Airplane Lufthansa, Hausen Flugtag 2014
Pilot: Bräuer Michael


TheBellerophon29 says:

Super schön und tolle Landung!

Olivier Bourgeois says:

Un moteur OS 4 temps c’est bien.Douze moteurs OS 4 temps c’est encore mieux

RCHeliJet says:

RC Airliner by Michael Bräuer ( same Pilot of the A-380 Model)
with his Dornier DO-X giant Water Airplane with 12x 10ccm O.S Motors
Model Airplane Lufthansa, Hausen Flugtag 2014
Pilot: Bräuer Michael
das Model Holz konstruktion, hat 12x 10ccm Motoren und ist 60 Kg Leicht 🙂
Das Original:Die Do X war ein Verkehrsflugschiff, das nach dem Ersten
Weltkrieg von den deutschen Dornier-Werken konstruiert und 1929 gebaut
Thanks to MG Affolter Flugtag Hausen 35 Jahre
Passagier flugzeug,RC Turbine Jet’s,RC Turbine Helicopter Special RC
Airplanes and many more….

RCHeliJet says:

RC Airliner by Michael Bräuer ( same Pilot of the A-380 Model)
with his Dornier DO-X giant Water Airplane with 12x 10ccm O.S Motors
Model Airplane Lufthansa, Hausen Flugtag 2014
Pilot: Bräuer Michael

77Avadon77 says:

who made the motors and what kind are they?

Gwen King says:

Looks a lot like Howard Hughes’ Hercules

RCHeliJet says:

RC Airliner by Michael Bräuer ( same Pilot of the A-380 Model)
with his Dornier DO-X giant Water Airplane with 12x 10ccm O.S Motors
Model Airplane Lufthansa, Hausen Flugtag 2014
Pilot: Bräuer Michael
das Model Holz konstruktion, hat 12x 10ccm Motoren und ist 60 Kg Leicht 🙂
Das Original:Die Do X war ein Verkehrsflugschiff, das nach dem Ersten
Weltkrieg von den deutschen Dornier-Werken konstruiert und 1929 gebaut

TheManeliss says:

Enormous RC model!!

George Dominik says:

i want to fly in that thing !

wordreet says:

What an amazing model of an incredible machine! And a real expert pilot, a
smooth flight and the landing was perfect! Also amazing to have 12 engines
all running. That alone deserves a prize. :¬)


esta muy grande ese rc

Subwaterfilm says:

Wow,.. that´s quite an impressive Model! Great to see this Giant flying,..
thanks for your nice Video, .. best wishes, Holger from Subwaterfilm


I’d be a nervous wreck flying that thing! That is so cool!!

Александр Рябцев says:

Просто восхитительно , молодцы !!!

J.A Rico says:

Awesome Replica, nice model. have fun.

halleffect1 says:

around 1:28, what is that little propeller on the top wing behind the

eins zwei says:

Ist es möglich sie auch wie das Vorbild auf dem Wasser zu starten und zu
landen? Die Maschine ist einfach nur wundervoll. Eine Maschine die
Geschichte schrieb zu einer Zeit als das Langstreckenfliegen Luxus pur war

Alain Térieur says:

freaking huge one !!!

Gustavo Soto says:

Super bonito!!!!

Adam M. says:

“Model” Airplane…. I could strap myself to one of these and be in L.A. by

Yacov Rosenblum says:

Excellent !!

Carlos Lobos B says:

wow….amazing RC work! Fully remarkable!! congrats!!…by the way…what
music it is?

trceratops 何 says:


Markus Nussbaumer says:

Klasse Modell, absolut gelungenes Video. Duuuumä uuuuufä! Gruss, Markus

Alpatriod says:

When he starts the motors do they fire that quick or is it speed up in the

Александр Василенко says:

The plane with 12 engines is awersome.

C. Roberts says:

Wow that is one of the coolest things ever.. I collect Lionel trains, I
prefer steam to diesel mostly because of all the moving parts.. This plane
has so many moving parts…what a beauty.. I can honestly say I am in awe
of the skill to build and operate such an awesome machine!! 

m kennedy says:

Die Do-x ist eine sehr innovativ Flugzeuge für Jahr 1930

Ich machten eine Zeichnung Darstellen des Do-x Nr.1929 über New York City.
Die Do-x ist zu landen auf dem Hudson River auf einem Kurs der fast 0 Grad.

Gunny Hiway says:


triplanelover says:

absolutely fantastic ! great build, great flying, totally scale and
rare! wished I were there !!!

Валентин Торшин says:
Alex BigZ says:


bunterfisch says:

unglaublich, modellbau in perfektion… like !!!

stranraerwal says:

“the incredible hulk”—CHAPEAU !!!

Augustine Lam says:

is that the one Howard Hughes built, the Hercules or something like that?

Bernie Koussoulos says:

Really it speaks for it,s self .What a feat of engineering and model
building ,and to sink up 12 four stroke motors phew! Fantastic ..congrats .

GarethNIreland says:

Fantastic video and fantastic aircraft!

granskare says:

grand, and great music :)

ian1231100 says:

But can it land on water?

Joe Zip says:

DO – stands for ‘Dozen’ . . . ! So cool that He chose 4 strokes and,
sounded amazing! [ ‘cept for the obnoxious Announcer]. 

rod ney says:

Put 200 rats in it.

papapardal1 says:



, however why do people not put cameras on these things and record the
flight from the plane?

JohnSTF72 says:

One of the best RC models i’ve ever seen in my life!
I wonder how much this whole project must have cost.

Jon Paul says:


Bill Alicea says:


Master Corder says:

Really Cool so scale …..

Brandywine Warren says:


Jake Y. says:

*****Model-building X-TREME ..!!!!*****
Can we bring this video limit to the millions?
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many Thanks and Merry X-mas all R/C Pilots around this World 😀
From Switzerland wish you RCHeliJet

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