Board Game Breakfast: Episode 67 – A Hobby within a Hobby, part 2

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Tom Vasel takes a look at the news for the week, joined by a host of friends.

Show Notes:
0:20 – Intro
1:06 – Board Game News
3:06 – Kickstarter News with Boardgame Brawl
5:52 – Q & A with Tom and Jason
9:14 – Snakes and Lattes
11:29 – Dice Dice Baby
15:10 – Dice Tower Productions
16:18 – Head in the Clouds with Chaz Marler
19:12 – Top 100 Expansions of all time: # 86 – # 90
23:44 – Discriminating Gamer
25:20 – Suzanne – Board Game Apps
27:29 – Tom Thinks
33:14 – Whitlepedia
35:31 – Closing Thoughts

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PairOfDice Paradise says:

I reveal the reason why the Machi Koro Harbor expansion comes in such a
wonderfully oversized box; this week on my “Head In The Clouds” segment on
The Dice Tower’s Board Game Breakfast show.

Arbie8327 says:

Ugggghh splattering milk over your table. Dousing components in milk is bad
enough, but that felt. All of the cringe.

HarfangX says:

I’m almost sold on the greek coins you showed… I just wish I could get
all gold ones with the same printing as the silver ones (with the owl)
I’m really determined to pimp out my Cyclades game.

Peter Fleming says:

Chaz’s commentary was easily my favorite segment this week. His take on
the packaging of some games was perfectly highlighted when he held up the
Pathfinder expansion deck. I guess we should be thankful that the over
sized box wasn’t contained in a plastic blister pack. That might have
pushed him over the edge.

George Hudson says:

Tom Vassel, i started watching this episode at the bus stop at 11pm, at
11:05pm, i got mugged by 2 guys with knives, they took my wallet (dropped
it when running from the cops) and they took my phone, after giving
statements and looking at mugshots at the police station, i finally got
home at 4:00am, and first thing i did was open my laptop and continue
watching the show, made me smile and laugh, so thanks for ending my night
on a high note,

VotreDjPocail says:

The Middle east coins would be great with Tokaido 🙂
Can you put the website for these?
By the way we just finished the *Montreal Joue*(2 weeks of boardgames and
video games fun everywhere in montreal) Library, Restaurants, bars, coffee
shops, Stores and even parcs. Can’t wait for next year 🙂 

The Discriminating Gamer says:

In today’s The Discriminating Gamer segment, Evil Cody gets a present, and
the lines between fantasy and reality become blurred.

winterplum says:

Really enjoyed the show this week. Chaz was brilliant. Whitley was
insightful. Discriminating Gamer gets a reality check. Overall, terrific

Steve Gale says:

Can someone identify the metal coin Kickstarter Tom previewed? Is it just
called “Legendary Metal Coins”?

Javier Perez says:

The Discriminating Gamer segment was hilarious!

ionas82 says:

My gf’d actually like a Star Trek Next Generation Love Letter…
So Chad… where to buy :P?

FC Raymo says:

Russet Taupe, did you select the red and orange planes in Airlines Europe?

Wayne Walker says:

Whitley’s segments are consistently awesome. Today was no exception.

Aaron Williams says:

TDG does it again! Oh, Evil Cody, what a rascal! 

Daniel E Burke says:

Cody’s part is awesome

Christian Barraza says:

OH MY GOD! MY heart almost burst into tears when they announced the Space
Dandy deck-building game. I wasn’t expecting it, and holy craaaaaaap it’s
my favorite show to date ;-; Right along side Cowboy Bebop and Samurai
Champloo- it’s like an anime Futurama. So unexpected. 

Lee Nicholas says:

Chaz, your segment was the funniest part of my week so far, which is
impressive because I re-watched Tom’s review of Oneupsmanship just for
laughs this morning.

Derrick Marais says:

Great show all round. Whitleypedia was very cool. Loved the venn diagram
and based on my experience, very accurate. 

ISOHaven says:

With Machi Koro it’s even worse than that. The entire expansion fits in
the base game box. Read as, throw the expansion box away. Looks like MANY
expansions will fit.

Andromedax01 says:

“atrocities of WWII Love Letter” Oh Chaz, I’m dying here…

Aaron Garten says:

“Play long and prosper.” I like it :D

3omar Faruq says:

Interesting coins on display. Regarding what the arabic coins at 13:00
The one on the right says (as best as I could see): laailaaha illallah
Muhammad rasoolullah (There’s none worthy of worship except Allah, and
Muhammad is his messenger), which actually was written on many coins long
ago, even some non-Arab coins. The middle coin has Muhammad repeated all
the way around, can’t see what’s in the middle. Lastly the one on the left
has the word Iqra (read or recite) written all the way round.

Graham Haslett says:

I swear you’re pouring that milk from a greater height each time

D Griff says:

Sometimes I sell older games that will never hit the table again if I see
that they still have value. I use eBay (I know they take 9-12% if you
combine it with PayPal-at this point it’s gouging if you ask me-anyway I
digress) to sell items. IMO an accurate way to see the value of something
is to see what people are actually paying for it. I don’t look at what
people are selling an item for. I search completed auctions and filter it
so it only shows sold items and then list it showing highest price first.
Then if I want to sell something I use that as a good starting point. Of
course it doesn’t work if you have something so rare that no-one has sold
one in awhile. But it works well for me. 

Jon Purkis says:

I love the idea of pimping a game with metal coins, and those look pretty
great. One thing that bugs me are the pirate coins. No pirate has handled a
coin with a skull and cross bones or Kraken on it. It feels tacky, like a
kid’s pirate party toy, rather than something which would enhance the
flavour of Merchants and Marauders or other pirate games. And it’s odd,
because they did a great job of making the greek coins realistic.

Steven Loomis says:

Susanne could you put the stats before the explanation please? It would be
easier to watch if I wasn’t wondering the whole time if I will be able to
get in on android or kindle. I like the segment but if its only on ios its
not really worth watching for people that only have android devices

Marc Kolb says:

During the top 100 expansion sequence, there’s a Monopoly game on the far
left (bright blue box). What flavor of Monopoly is that?

KabukiKid says:

“strategerize” lmao @28:20

JChalant says:

I totally enjoy the reviews and discussions of games as a hobby more so
than the hobby in and of itself, which I also enjoy, but I’m saying I get
what you’re saying.

Akolotu Moeloa says:

Splattering that beautiful Geek Chic table with milk… You monster!

Evangelos Foskolos says:

Hello guys,
The “Legendary Metal Coins” campaign Tom reviewed in “Dice Dice Baby”
segment is now live!

I hope you like our new campaign :)

Joshua Simone says:

+PairOfDice Paradise Space Balls the Love Letter! :-)

Joe Hout says:

Great work as always. Funny segment from pair of dice paradise :)

Pádraic Ó'Bróithe says:

Chaz continues to knock it out of the park.

onlythistube says:

Chaz section is really becoming a highpoint here… when it comes to a
delicate mixture of wit and creativity… awesome…
And this means sthg as this show is getting better every time! Thanks
everyone at the Dicetower!

David Koehnlein says:

Chaz is the man! 

tribalguy2 says:

I really appreciate the Machi Koro expansion box, cause it replaces the
base game box to hold everything, taking up less shelf space.

Marco António says:

Congrats to all- this was really fun to watch. Game On and Thank You! 

Chad Jordan says:

I feel your pain Tom for the jury duty work. I had to do it a few years
ago and I hope I’m not called back anytime soon.

Chris Parks says:

I am awaiting Tom’s Top 10 Duel of Ages 2 characters! (and it’s coming..)

Edwin Rivera says:

Star Trek: The Next Generation Love Letter Make it so! Edition

R33SS says:

Chaz that was hilarious!

Atlas Films says:

Already backed Burgle Bros and got Paperback as a bonus. Can’t wait for it
to come out.

courtjester03 says:

Was this the week you were going to announce the winner of the D&D
DiceMasters contest?

halifaxstar says:

I would certainly buy Spaceballs Love Letter

Michael Conti says:

Who gives this a thumbs down??? jeez…

Mister Rob says:

Chaz was amazing, Suzanne and everyone was great as always. Another great

rpander1980 says:

The card game is probably the least ridiculous thing about Space Dandy. 

Chris Nutt says:

Chaz was icredible this week. Really funny and oh so true.

Greg Heilers says:

What is the value of a collectable game? There is only one true answer:
the amount you are able to get someone to *pay* for it. 

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