12 cool hobbies to get into

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If your looking for a hobbie or something to do over break, this video is for you!


Hala Saad says:

Add to that wood burning and clay sculpting. Clay is pretty easy to find,
especially polymer clay.
Love the video!

Anthony Velez says:

You’re naturally good at talking into the camera. You should take your own
advice and start making Youtube videos. It looked like you bailed. I’m not
just saying this to be nice. I Genuinely think you can make great Youtube
videos. Just get a better camera and you’ll be on your way to a successful
channel in no time.

nelson isaac says:

You are pretty good in front of the camera and really cute keep it up girl

Finley Cathrall says:

You are quite good 340 people watched this!

Tomaccyd says:

You seem very confident, you should try to put out more content as you seem
like a natural

Dwallen Wowden says:

I want to punch you in the face

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